Journey through the 5 elements
More than an online course, it is an experience at all levels. This journey through your being will take you to know and integrate in yourself the 5 elements of nature that make up all things in the Universe. It is a personal accompaniment of 5 weeks or more (you choose the rhythm that suits you) where you can align all your energies and deeply recognize the elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether that reside in you and in all of us. . This experience is composed of 15 yoga sessions, 15 guided meditations with the practice of mudras, mantras, bandhas, Pranayama and other techniques; 5 Solfeggio frequencies, 5 downloadable documents, 6 personal tutorials via Zoom, various reflection and self-exploration exercises, 5 essential oils and 5 mineral gems. In addition, all the material remains forever, so you can repeat everything you want a thousand times. Dare to experience, it is your moment.
We start with every full moon until stocks last.